Indian javelin star Neeraj Chopra, a two-time Olympic medallist, has tied the knot with Himani Mor, a tennis player, in a private ceremony. On Sunday, Neeraj shared glimpses of the ceremony with his fans on social media, posting heartfelt photos from the event attended by close family and friends.
“Started a new chapter of life with my family. Grateful for every blessing that brought us to this moment together. Bound by love, happily ever after,” Neeraj wrote in his post.
The announcement of Chopra’s marriage quickly sparked curiosity, with social media users asking, “Who is Himani Mor?”
Himani, originally from Sonipat, Haryana, is a graduate assistant at Amherst College, where she manages the women’s tennis team. In addition, she is pursuing a Master of Science degree at the McCormack Isenberg School of Management.
Before joining Amherst College, Himani worked as a Volunteer Assistant Coach in tennis at Franklin Pierce University in 2022. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Physical Education from Miranda House (2015-2018) and completed an MBA in Sports and Fitness Administration at Franklin Pierce University in New Hampshire, USA.
Himani also represented Delhi University in tennis at the World University Games and has earned recognition for her dedication to both sports and academics.
Neeraj’s fans and well-wishers continue to celebrate the couple’s new journey, with both athletes now focused on their professional pursuits, including Chopra’s upcoming javelin competition in India.