Insiders have just revealed what kind of cancer King Charles has, as well as what it means for Prince Harry.
Everything has been touched on during the source’s interview with Radar Online.
They admitted to the outlet that King Charles has a ‘deadly’ form of pancreatic cancer and in making his will, he’s deciding to leave Prince Harry with no more than a dime, reportedly.
According to the publication a very high level member from the King’s employ revealed, “A lot of people in royal circles feel Harry does not deserve a dime, and they’re leaning on Charles to cut him off.”
And even though, “Charles wrote his will long ago, but certain family members and courtiers are strongly urging him to update the document so as not to include Harry.”
It is also pertinent to mention that one source also revealed, “It’s the senior courtiers that run the royal family’s business and make the hard decisions. But they’re not getting much resistance to this idea among the family.”