Bengaluru: The Bengaluru Traffic Police have issued an advisory to ensure the smooth flow of traffic during the Republic Day Flower Show, organised by the Department of Horticulture. The show begins on Thursday and will run for 11 days. The flower show is being held at Lalbagh Botanical Garden, and around 8 to 10 lakh visitors are expected to attend, according to the police. This 217th edition of the flower show is themed around Maharshi Valmiki.
As per the advisory, vehicle parking will be prohibited within the limits of Wilson Garden traffic police station and the surrounding roads. Additionally, parking will not be allowed from Lalbagh main gate to NIMHANS on both sides of Dr Marigowda Road, from Circle to Shanthinagar Junction on both sides of Double Road, and from Subbaiah Circle to Lalbagh main gate on both sides of Lalbagh Road.
Restrictions also extend from Urvashi Theater Junction to Wilson Garden 12th Cross on both sides of Siddaiah Road, from BMTC Junction towards the post office on BTS Road, on both sides of Krumbigal Road, and from Lalbagh West Gate to RV Teachers College, Ashoka Pillar, and Siddapura Junction.
However, parking will be allowed at specific locations, including Al-Ameen College premises (for two-wheelers) on Dr Marigowda Road, the Shantinagar BMTC multi-storey parking lot, the Hopcoms parking lot, and the Corporation parking lot.
The police have also indicated that traffic may be restricted on 10th Cross, Dr Marigowda Road, and Lalbagh Road-Urvashi Junction if the area becomes too crowded. Alternatives have been suggested to manage the flow of vehicles.
Vehicles coming from Dairy Circle towards Lalbagh can take a right turn at the 10th Cross Junction and proceed towards City Market, Majestic, Wilson Garden Main Road, and BMTC (KH) Road via BTS Road.
Similarly, vehicles coming from Subbaiah Circle, City Market, Lalbagh, Jayanagar, Electronic City, and Hosur can proceed straight and turn left at Urvashi Junction, then connect to Siddaiah Road to reach Dr Marigowda Road, stated the advisory.