The Role Of TB In Delayed Pregnancy: How Tuberculosis Affects Conception And Pregnancy Outcomes

The influence of tuberculosis (TB) on delayed pregnancy. Inessential complications, TB has an important role in reproductive health. Numerous complications from TB can delay or hinder conception, especially in cases of active TB, because TB is known to affect various systems within the body such as the reproductive system. 

Dr.Shweta Mendiratta, Associate Director-Obstetrics and Gynecologist, Marengo Asia Hospital, Faridabad share the role of TB in delayed pregnancy.

For instance, women with untreated or uncontrolled TB may experience infertility because of the effects of the disease on the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and the general state of health of the uterus. TB can create tubal obstructions or adhesions that decrease the likelihood of an egg meeting with sperm for fertilization. 

Additionally, because TB is a chronic disease, it may negatively affect the overall health of a woman resulting in hormonal distress, which ultimately may impact menstrual cycles. Where the uterus is affected, TB may damage the endometrium, which could also limit the chances of a fertilized egg implanting effectively. 

In terms of treatments, though some anti-tuberculosis treatment regimens may be neutral or no complicating, discontinuing certain therapies may potentially have temporary effects on a woman’s fertility. 

 TB may lead to delays in pregnancy both for emotional and/or physical stress, potentially resulting in a decision to treat TB prior to reproductive health planning. For instance, women with TB may talk honestly and openly about wanting to conceive in the future but would like to focus on the illness prior to conceiving. 


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