5 New Movies Our Critics Are Talking About This Week

Kristen Stewart and Steven Yeun star in this postapocalyptic romance directed by Sam and Andy Zuchero about two bits of abandoned tech who fall in love.

From our review:

A tale like this one requires a lot of inventive filmmaking. … The Zucheros bring a great deal of imagination to the task, and the sheer audacity of the movie is enough to make it worth watching, even if, at times, the gadgets’ sentimental education starts to feel repetitive.

In theaters. Read the full review.

Will Ferrell and Reese Witherspoon lead this rom-com — written and directed by Nicholas Stoller — about double-booked wedding parties that decide to share the space.

From our review:

There is something off about “You’re Cordially Invited,” some sense that the whole thing never clicks into place. There are sections (particularly in a sequence taking place at a wedding rehearsal) that feel as if a scene or two were lifted out. … Perhaps most disappointingly, while Witherspoon has her tightly-wound but good-hearted big sister thing down perfectly, it doesn’t feel like Ferrell’s full comedic genius makes it onto the screen.

On Prime Video. Read the full review.

Critic’s Pick

In this horror-comedy directed by Drew Hancock, a lonely man (Jack Quaid) rents a robotic romantic partner, Iris (Sophie Thatcher), who begins to go haywire.

From our review:

Wrapped in a membrane of smoochy retro-pop and bubble gum colors (the sharp-eyed cinematographer is Eli Born), “Companion” takes potshots at the male desire for dominance, while profiting from a warped sense of fun and the logical rigor of Hancock’s script. (As is evident in one notable interaction between Iris and a police officer.) The film’s satire is barn-door broad, its humor sidelong and sharp enough to take the edge off the gore.

In theaters. Read the full review.

A police officer gets surgically combined with his canine companion (Peter Hastings, who also directs) and faces off against a sinister cat named Petey (Pete Davidson).

From our review:

Jokes fly with the bouncy randomness of Dog Man’s favorite tennis ball, and there are so many that a fair number of them would land even if they weren’t pretty good. Mostly, it’s a visual pleasure: The computer renderings have just enough texture, and the movements enough jittery tactility, to give the film a handmade feel. The splashy color palette keeps the eye engaged.

In theaters. Read the full review.

In this sports drama directed by Anders Lindwall, Buck (Craig T. Nelson) is a farmer who gambles his property on the Green Bay Packers.

From our review:

Depending on how you look at it, Buck is an integrity-laden underdog, or a willful, truculent fool who may or may not get lucky with his bet. While it speaks well of Nelson’s integrity as a performer that he doesn’t make much effort to render Buck as ingratiating, the result is that the character can be a bit of a drag.

In theaters. Read the full review.

Compiled by Kellina Moore.

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